About Puff Rate

Documenting flavors, meeting fellow enthusiasts, and discovering the importance of “puff rate.” What started as a personal repository of notes and ratings has since evolved into Puff Rate, a technical, wiki-like resource designed to help cigar lovers enhance each and every draw.

How Puff Rate Came To Be

It all started back in 2014, when I smoked my very first cigar at Nikki Blaine's in downtown Indianapolis. Although I enjoyed a few more smokes that year, the habit didn't really stick until January of 2023, when my prior roommate, Ryan, began inviting me out to the Blend Cigar Lounge near Keystone Mall. By spring of 2024, I'd become somewhat of a regular at Blend, and by that summer, I was there at least two-to-three times a week.

Through Ryan, I met a warm and welcoming community of cigar enthusiasts, and I quickly fell in love with both the culture and the camaraderie. In August 2024, I started taking photos, jotting down notes, and rating every cigar I tried. Some of these entries were detailed cigar profiles; others, just quick impressions.

Before long, my new cigar friends were sharing their most prized sticks with me, expanding my palate and igniting an unknown passion for cigars. As my collection of notes grew, I decided to create a place where I could share them with others. I had brainstormed many potential names for the site, but one in particular stood out: Puff Rate. It was a term I'd already been using to track how often I drew from a cigar, and it fit perfectly with my vision of creating a technical, wiki-like resource for fellow cigar fans. Hence, Puff Rate was born.

What is “Puff Rate”?

As I delved deeper into the world of cigars, I began exploring various methods of improving a cigar's flavor—from food and drink pairings to cut styles, “resetting” one's palate, and paying close attention to how often I draw on a cigar over a given period (the rate at which I puff).

“Puff Rate” is a measure of the frequency at which a cigar smoker draws (or puffs) on a cigar over a given period. Typically expressed in terms of seconds per puff, puff rate indicates how often the smoker draws smoke from the cigar. For example, a puff rate of one puff every 30 seconds means the smoker takes a draw twice per minute.

Finding the optimal puff rate is crucial for flavor preservation, burn consistency, and personal preference. Maintaining a consistent puff rate prevents overheating. Too-frequent draws can scorch the cigar wrapper or filler, compromising the cigar's complex aromas and taste. A steady puff rate promotes an even burn, preventing canoeing or tunneling, and maintains a smooth, continuous draw. If drawn too often, the cigar's temperature may rise, potentially burning the tobacco too quickly and causing harsh or bitter flavors. Conversely, infrequent puffs can result in a cooler burn that may preserve nuanced flavor notes.

Puff Rate is a key parameter in cigar smoking that influences burn speed, temperature, and flavor. By consciously adjusting and monitoring puff frequency, enthusiasts can preserve the cigar's complexity, enhance taste, and tailor each smoking session to their personal preference.

Where Puff Rate Is Headed

What began as a repository of notes, photos, and ratings of the cigars I've smoked will slowly evolve over time. I have a long list of ideas and features for this site that I plan to build out.

I recommend subscribing now so you can receive email updates about new developments. One of the first email campaigns I'll launch is a weekly roundup of all the cigars I've smoked that week.

I don't want to spoil the features I plan on building just yet, but stay tuned—there are some exciting things in the works.

If you have any ideas for the site, feedback on the site, or recommendations for cigars I should smoke, I would love to hear from you.